Gay-maspalomas, the gay scene on Gran Canaria
On the homepage you can find lots of information about gay scene on the isle. You can rent a special accommodation. You can find special hotels and apartments, which are gay friendly. The sense of this page is to help gay people to spend their holiday on the isle without being observed or discriminated by other tourists.
We want to underline that it’s got nothing to do with a pornographic association or something similar, it is only to help homosexual tourists to get oriented on the isle and to find people of their same style.
On you can find information about gay sauna, bars, and restaurants etc., where normally gay people meet. Like this you can meet other gays on Gran Canaria.
AS well you can find information about the Gay Pride, which is he most famous and biggest gay move on the isle and in the most parts of Europe. Gay Pride serves to show to the world that gay people have no need to hide or to feel a shame. On the Gay Pride the people wear colored and crazy costumes and move around on caroches through the streets of Maspalomas. During the Gay Pride everything here is under the sign of the gay spirit.
On Maspalomas and on the rest of the isle you can find special beaches for gay people. You find nudist beaches and other beaches where you can be amongst yourselves.
If you want to spend a holiday on Gran Canaria and meet people as you, than you can visit the page and get informed about bars, restaurants, sauna, beaches and accommodation specially for gay people. The gay locations are as well opened to heterosexually orientated guests because the aim is integration and not separation.
Here you can find more information on the homepage: